Project Spotlight
Ecology, distribution, and genetic structure of the prairie gray fox in Oklahoma - We are investigating the current status of gray fox in Oklahoma. Our research works closely with the trapping community to collect genetic samples across the state and is monitoring gray fox across eastern Oklahoma with cameras. Our research will help inform the federal listing decision for prairie gray foxes. (Student: Emily Burkholder; Collaborators: Colter Chitwood, Lisette Waits, Jennifer Adams, Toni Piaggio).
Other Ongoing Research Projects
Influence of wildlife feeding on mammalian nest predators (Student: Nicolle De Felippo; Collaborators: Colter Chitwood, Dwayne Elmore)
Influence of black bear kleptoparasitism on cougar predation rates in northern New Mexico (Student: Max Marwin; Collaborators: James Cain III, Carter Kruse, Lance Bernal)
Co-occurrence of feral swine and armadillos (Student: Matt Broadway, Holly Todaro; Collaborators: Colter Chitwood)
Oklahoma mule deer population evaluation (Collaborators: Colter Chitwood, Anna Moeller, Sue Fairbanks, Levi Heffelfinger, Mike Cherry, Molly Koeck, Calvin Ellis)
Quantifying freshwater mussel abundance in Oklahoma with the aid of side-scan sonar (Student: Hunter Torolski; Collaborators: James Long, Lindsey Bruckerhoff)
Survey protocol and habitat associations of nightjars in Oklahoma (Student: Matt Broadway; Collaborators: Scott Loss, Tim O'Connell)
Movements and population demography of pronghorn in western Oklahoma (Student: Derek Hahn; Collaborators: Sue Fairbanks, Colter Chitwood, Evan Turner, Michael Cherry, Randy DeYoung, Levi Heffelfinger, Marlin Dart, Celine Rickels, George Wang)
Snapshot USA (Collaborators: Mike Cove, Roland Kays, Bill McShea, and MANY other scientists from around the US)
New Projects (Coming Soon)
See Prospective Students for application information
Select Completed Research Projects
See Publications for resulting manuscript
Development of Close-Kin Mark-Recapture Methods for Black Bears (Collaborators: Dana Morin, Lisette Waits, and Anthony Sévêque)
Spatial ecology of plains spotted skunks in South Dakota (Student: Kara White; Collaborators: Joshua Stafford, Amanda Cheeseman, Paul Lukacs)
Evaluating the status of black bears in the Oklahoma panhandle (Student: Bailey Kleeberg; Collaborators: Sue Fairbanks)
Patterns of occurrence for invasive and native mammals in the Wichita Mountains (Student: Ben Murley; Collaborators: Daniel McDonald)
Occurrence and Density of Wild Felids in New Mexico (Collaborators: James Cain III, Gary Roemer)
Methods for monitoring prairie dogs: comparison of capture-recapture methods and indices of active burrows (Collaborators: Aaron Facka, Gary Roemer)
Optimizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Monitoring of Mammals with Cameras (Collaborators: Randy Larsen, Robert Knight, Marlin Dart)
Pennsylvania Black Bear Project (Student: Brandon Snavely)
South Dakota Bobcat Population Genetics Project (Student: Stuart Fetherston) - Click here to watch a presentation about this research
South Dakota Bobcat Space Use Project (Student: Marlin Dart) - Click here to watch a presentation about this research
Great Basin Desert Subadult Golden Eagle Space Use (Collaborators: Kathy Hixson, Steven Slator, Robert Knight) - Click here to watch a presentation about this research
Optimizing Occupancy Monitoring of a Rare Carnivore with Noninvasive Genetic Sampling (Collaborators: Lisette Waits, Robert Knight) - Click here to watch a presentation about this research
Using Noninvasive Genetics to Monitor the Distribution, Abundance, and Diet of Coyotes in Florida (Collaborators: Bryan Kluever, Stewart Breck, Toni Piaggio)
Ecology and Population Status of Pheasants in an Agricultural Landscape (Student: Sprih Harsh, Hilary Syvertson) - Click here to watch a presentation about this research
Ecology of Swift Foxes within a Black-footed Ferret Recovery site (Student: Kara White)
Review of the Status of Kit Foxes in the Great Basin and Monitoring Recommendations (Collaborators: Robert Knight, Bryan Kluever, Lucas Hall, Eric Gese, Randy Larsen, Lisette Waits)
Comparison of Sample Sources for Quantifying Genetic Diversity of Carnivores within Museum Collections (Collaborators: Lisette Waits, David Daniel, Jennifer Adams)
Habitat Selection and Remote Monitoring of Beavers (Collaborators: Janelle Taylor, Shawn Crimmins)
Assessing Monitoring Techniques for River Otters in Wisconsin (Collaborators: Christi Heun, Shawn Crimmins)
Application of Mark-Recapture Approaches to Dietary Analyses (Collaborators: Dana Morin, Marcella Kelly, Lisette Waits, Summer Higdon, Elyce Gosselin)
Comparison of Abundance Estimators for Carnivores (Collaborators: Lisette Waits, Paul Lukacs, Eric Gese)
Density of Sympatric Kit Foxes and Coyotes (Collaborators: Lisette Waits, Paul Lukacs, Eric Gese)
Evaluating the Spatial Dynamics of Kit Foxes and Coyotes (Collaborators: Lisette Waits, Larissa Bailey, Eric Gese)
Resource Partitioning Between Kit Foxes and Coyotes (Collaborators: Lisette Waits, Paige Byerly, Eric Gese)
Molecular Scatology to Assess Diets of Carnivores (Collaborators: Lisette Waits, Elyce Gosselin)
ConGenR - A R-based Script for Rapid Handling of Replicated Genetic Data (Collaborators: Lisette Waits)
Landscape Genetics of Ringtails (Collaborators: Gary Roemer)
Previous Monitoring Projects
These projects represent those the I developed and led
Bat Hibernacula Counts (southern Idaho)
American White Pelican Surveys (southern Idaho)
Herpetological Surveys of Sensitive Species (Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve)
Chytrid Fungus and Ranavirus Surveillance (southern Idaho)
Inventory and Monitoring of Mesocarnivores (City of Rocks National Reserve)
Previous Monitoring Contributions
These projects represent those the I contributed to substantially
Climate Sensitivity Analysis (5 species)
Mexican Spotted Owl Monitoring (Carlsbad Caverns National Park)
Noninvasive Genetic Sampling of Pygmy Rabbits (southern Idaho)
Black-footed Ferret Reintroduction and Monitoring (northern Arizona)
Black-tailed Prairie Dog Restoration (central South Dakota)
Swift Fox Recovery (central South Dakota)
Central Idaho Gray Wolf Recovery (Idaho)
Red Wolf Recovery (eastern North Carolina)