Peer-reviewed Publications (*Corresponding author; ‡Mentee; **Target Journal)
Please contact me at [email protected] for copies of any publications you are unable to access
Please contact me at [email protected] for copies of any publications you are unable to access
In Advanced Prep
64. Snavely BP‡, RC Lonsinger*, MC Chitwood, WS Fairbanks, MJ Lovallo. Advanced Prep. Variation in female black bear resource selection and survival during fall harvest. Canadian Journal of Zoology**.
63. White KM‡, EC Anderson, SM Crimmins, TL Livieri, RC Lonsinger*. Advanced Prep. Coyote and swift fox space use and temporal activity within a black-footed ferret recovery site in western Kansas. Wildlife Research**.
62. Harsh S‡*, RC Lonsinger, AJ Gregory. Advanced Prep. Mesocarnivores in an agricultural landscape exhibit similar response to landscape attributes with no evidence of temporal partitioning. Ecology and Evolution**.
61. Waits LP*, RC Lonsinger. Advanced Prep. Genetic Monitoring of Wildlife Populations in L Powell and J Carroll, editors. The Wildlife Techniques Manual (9th Edition).
60. Dart MM‡, LB Perkins, JA Jenks, RC Lonsinger*. Advanced Prep. Influences of landscape patterns and intraguild interactions on the spatial and temporal ecology of bobcats and coyotes. Rangeland Ecology and Management**.
In Review or Revision
59. Turnley MT, WS Fairbanks, RC Lonsinger, MJ Cherry, MM Dart, RW DeYoung, DP Hahn‡, LJ Heffelfinger, CMJ Rickels, EP Tanner, HG Wang, MC Chitwood. In FSP Review. Harmless tags or hazardous ads? Investigating the potential for ear tags to increase predation on neonatal ungulates. Canadian Journal of Zoology.**
58. Dart MM*, MT Turnley, CMJ Rickels, EP Tanner, MC Chitwood, RW DeYoung, WS Fairbanks, DP Hahn, LJ Heffelfinger, RC Lonsinger, HG Wang, MJ Cherry. In Review. Predator-induced injury of a neonate cues abandonment of current reproductive investment. Ecology.**
57. White KM‡*, AE Cheeseman, JD Stafford, RC Lonsinger. In Review. Control of a dominant predator influences of occurrence of a mesocarnivore of conservation concern. Ecosphere**.
56. Speiser J, RC Lonsinger, C Cheek, AE Cheeseman*. In Review. Camera traps using time-lapse triggers improve detections of semi-aquatic mammal the North American river otter. Wildlife Society Bulletin**.
55. Tucker K, C Fallon, M Kirchgessner, RC Lonsinger, D McDonald, L Buehler, J Hennig, C Duchardt*. In Review. Dirvers of decline and strategies for reintroduction of black-tailed prairie dogs: a case study on eastern range edge. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management**.
54. Taylor JM, EJ Larsen, RC Lonsinger, TR VanDeelen, JA VanDeHey, SM Crimmins*. In Revision. A remote sensing approach for identifying beaver activity using aerial imagery. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation**.
53. Taylor JM, RJ Hauer, RC Lonsinger, TR VanDeelen, JA VanDeHey, SM Crimmins*. In Revision. A multi-scale habitat selection model for beavers. Wildlife Society Bulletin**.
52. Heun CM, RC Lonsinger, NM Roberts, SM Crimmins*. In Revision. Evaluating remote cameras and bridge site surveys for monitoring river otters. Canadian Field Naturalist**.
51. Harsh S‡*, RC Lonsinger, AJ Gregory. FSP Review. Landscape heterogeneity drives relative abundance of a grassland bird in a tall grass prairie. Wildlife Research**.
50. Broadway MS‡*, HM Todaro, M Koeck, CN Dotterweich, S Cain, MC Chitwood, RC Lonsinger. In Review. Interspecific effects of an invasive species on a native nuisance species undergoing concurrent range expansion. Journal of Mammalogy**.
49. Harsh S‡*, RC Lonsinger, HR Kauth, AJ Gregory. In Review. Weather, habitat area, connectivity, and number of patches influence breeding ecology of a grassland bird. Journal of Wildlife Management**.
Published or Accepted
48. Sévêque A‡*, RC Lonsinger, LP Waits, KE Brzeski, C Ott-Conn, SL Mayhew, CD Norton, TR Petroelje, DJ Morin. Accepted. Spatial close-kin mark-recapture models applied to terrestrial species with continuous natal dispersal. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
47. Torolski, HM*, JM Long, RC Lonsinger, LA Bruckerhoff. Accepted. New distributional record of the federally threatened Rabbitsfoot mussel (Theliderma cylindrica) in Oklahoma. Southeastern Naturalist.
46. Rooney, B*, [...], RC Lonsinger, et al. Accepted. Snapshot 2019–2023: the first five years of data from a coordinated camera trap survey of the United States. Global Ecology and Biogeography.
45. White KM‡*, AE Cheeseman, JD Stafford, RC Lonsinger. Accepted. Fine-scale farming features drive resource selection of a small carnivore of conservation concern. Canadian Journal of Zoology.
44. Harsh S‡*, RC Lonsinger, HR Kauth, AJ Gregory. 2024. Seasonal resource selection of a grassland bird in a dynamic landscape: importance of a hetergeneous landscape. Ecosphere 15(12): e70108 | Link.
43. Kleeberg BA‡*, RC Lonsinger. WS Fairbanks. 2024. White-backed hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus leuconotus) occurrence in the panhandle of Oklahoma. Southwestern Naturalist 69(1): 1-5 | Link.
42. Torolski, HM*, JM Long, RC Lonsinger, LA Bruckerhoff. 2024. Updated distribution for two freshwater mussel species of conservation concern. Southeastern Naturalist 23(3): N44-N49 | Link.
41. Turnley MT*, TA Hughes, RT Larson, KR Hersey, MS Broadway‡, MC Chitwood, WS Fairbanks, RC Lonsinger, BR McMillan. 2024. A fine-scale examination of parturition timing in temperate ungulates. Ecology and Evolution 14(7):e11703 | Link.
40. Kays* R, [...], RC Lonsinger et al. 2024. Climate, food, and humans predict communities of mammals in the United States. Diversity and Distributions 30(9):e13900 | Link.
39. White KM‡*, AE Cheesman, JD Stafford, RC Lonsinger. 2024. Pasture and diurnal temperature are key predictors of regional plains spotted skunk distribution. Journal of Mammalogy 105(6): 1278-1288 | Link.
38. Fetherston SC‡, LB Perkins, CP Lehman, JR Adams, LP Waits, RC Lonsinger*. 2024. Genetic analysis of harvest samples reveals population structure in a highly mobile generalist carnivore. Ecology and Evolution 14(5):e11411 | Link.
37. Burton AC*, C Beirne, K Gaynor, C Sun, A Granados, […], RC Lonsinger, et al. 2024. Mammal response to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. Nature Ecology and Evolution 8:924-935 | Link.
36. Gese EM, PA Terletzky, HS Cooley, FF Knowlton, RC Lonsinger. 2024. Survey and monitoring methods for furbearers. Pages 15.1-15.44 in TL Hiller, RD Applegate, RD Bluett, SN Frey, EM Gese, JF Organ, editors. Wild Furbearer Management and Conservation in North America (2nd Edition). Wildlife Ecology Institute, Helena, MT | Link.
35. Sévêque A*, RC Lonsinger, LP Waits, KE Brzeski, LM Komoroske, C Ott-Conn, SL Mayhew, CD Norton, TR Petroelje, JD Swenson, DJ Morin. 2024. Sources of bias in applying close-kin mark–recapture to terrestrial game species with different life history. Ecology 105(3):e4244 | Link.
34. Facka AN*, RC Lonsinger, GW Roemer. 2024. Abundance estimates of Gunnison's prairie dogs compared to number of active burrows. Wildlife Society Bulletin 48(1):e1513 | Link.
33. Lonsinger RC*, GW Roemer. 2024. Ringtail (Bassariscus astutus). Pages 895-916 in J-LE Cartron and JK Frey, editors. The Wild Carnivores of New Mexico. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, NM, USA.
32. Shamon H*, [...], RC Lonsinger, et al. 2024. Snapshot USA 2021: a third coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States. Ecology 105(6):e4318 | Link.
31. Long JM*, P Joyce, LA Bruckerhoff, RC Lonsinger, W Wolfenkoehler. 2024. Using down-scan capabilities from recreational grade side-scan sonar systems to estimate Paddlefish abundance and evaluate depth of use in a reservior. Fisheries Research 269(January 2024):106872 | Link.
30. Lonsinger RC*, MM Dart‡, RT Larsen, RN Knight. 2024. Efficacy of machine learning image classification for automated occupancy-based monitoring. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 10(1):56-71 | Link.
29. Young JK*, AR Butler, JD Holbrook, H Shamon, RC Lonsinger. 2023. Mesocarnivores of western landscapes. Pages 549-590 in LB McNew, DK Dahlgren and JL Beck, editors. Rangeland Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. Springer, Cham | Link.
28. Wolfenkoehler W, JM Long*, R Gary, RA Snow, JD Schooley, LA Bruckerhoff, RC Lonsinger. 2023. Viability of side-scan sonar to enumerate paddlefish, a large pelagic fish, in rivers and reservoirs. Fisheries Research 261(May 2023):106639 | Link.
27. White KM‡*, JD Stafford, RC Lonsinger. 2023. The first documented interaction between a long-tailed weasel (Mustela frenata) and a plains spotted skunk (Spilogale interrupta) carcass. Ecology and Evolution 13(1):e9758 | Link.
26. Dart MM‡, LB Perkins, JA Jenks, G Hatfield, RC Lonsinger*. 2023. The effect of scent lures on detection is not equitable among sympatric species. Wildlife Research 50(3):190-200 | Link.
25. Harsh S‡*, RC Lonsinger, AJ Gregory. 2022. Habitat amount or landscape configuration: Emerging Hotspot analysis reveals the importance of habitat amount for a grassland bird in South Dakota. PloS ONE 17(9):e0274808 | Link.
24. Lonsinger RC. 2022. Co-occurrence models fail to infer underlying patterns of avoidance and aggregation when closure is violated. Ecology and Evolution 12(7):e9104 | Link.
23. Kays* R, [...], RC Lonsinger et al. 2022. Snapshot USA 2020: A second coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ecology 103:e3775 | Link.
22. Kluever BM*, MB Main, SW Breck, RC Lonsinger, JH Humphrey, JW Fischer, MP Milleson, AJ Piaggio. 2022. Using noninvasive genetics for estimating density and assessing diet of urban and rural coyotes in Florida, USA. Urban Naturalist: 51:1-24 | Link.
21. Kauth HR‡, AJ Gregory, AJ Kauth, S Harsh‡, TJ Runia, RC Lonsinger*. 2022. Snow alters pheasant survival and land use in South Dakota. Journal of Wildlife Management 86: e22243 | Link.
20. Dukes CG*, ML Allen, LE Dodd, AJ Edelman, SN Harris, SH LaRose, DS Jachowski, RC Lonsinger, DB Sasse. 2022. A review of camera trapping methodologies for Easter spotted skunks (Spilogale putorius). Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13: 1-11 | Link.
19. Hixson K‡, S Slater, RN Knight, RC Lonsinger*. 2021. Seasonal variation in resource selection by subadult golden eagles in the Great Basin. Wildlife Biology 2021: e01002 | Link.
18. Lonsinger RC*, RN Knight, LP Waits. 2021. Detection criteria and post-field sample processing influence results and cost efficiency of occupancy-based monitoring. Ecological Applications 31: e02404 | Link.
17. Cove MV*, R Kays*, [...], RC Lonsinger et al. 2021. Snapshot USA: the first coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States - data from 2019. Ecology 102(6): e03353 | Link.
16. Lonsinger RC*, BM Kluever, LK Hall, RT Larsen, EM Gese, LP Waits, RN Knight. 2020. Conservation of kit foxes in the Great Basin Desert: a review and recommendations. Journal of Fish & Wildlife Management 11(2): 679-698. | Link.
15. Kauth HR‡, RC Lonsinger, AJ Kauth, AJ Gregory. 2020. Low-cost DIY GPS trackers improve upland game bird monitoring. Wildlife Biology 2020(1): 1-7. | Link.
14. Morin. DJ*, SD Higdon, RC Lonsinger, EN Gosselin‡, MJ Kelly, LP Waits. 2019. Comparing methods of estimating carnivore diets with uncertainty and imperfect detection. Wildlife Society Bulletin 43(4): 651-660. | Link.
13. Lonsinger RC*, D Daniel, JR Adams, LP Waits. 2019. Consideration of sample source for establishing reliable genetic microsatellite data from mammalian carnivore specimens held in natural history collections. Journal of Mammalogy 100(5): 1678-1689. | Link.
12. Lonsinger RC*, PM Lukacs, EM Gese, LP Waits. 2019. Empirical comparisons of abundance estimators for two sympatric carnivores using noninvasive genetic sampling. Wildlife Biology 2019(1): 1-12. | Link.
11. Lonsinger RC*, JR Adams, LP Waits. 2018. Evaluating effective population size and genetic diversity of a declining kit fox population using contemporary and historical specimens. Ecology and Evolution 8(22): 1-11. | Link.
10. Lonsinger RC*, PM Lukacs, EM Gese, RN Knight, LP Waits. 2018. Estimating densities from sympatric kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis) and coyotes (Canis latrans) using noninvasive genetic sampling. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96(10): 1080-1089. | Link.
9. Byerly P‡, RC Lonsinger*, EM Gese, AJ Kozlowski, LP Waits. 2018. Resource partitioning between two sympatric canids: a comparison of historical and contemporary dietary overlap. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96(5): 497-504. | Link.
8. Gosselin E‡, RC Lonsinger*, LP Waits. 2017. Comparing morphological and molecular diet analyses and fecal DNA sampling locations for a terrestiral carnivore. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41(2): 362-369. | Link.
7. Lonsinger RC*, EM Gese, LL Bailey, LP Waits. 2017. The roles of habitat and intraguild predation by coyotes on the spatial dynamics of kit foxes. Ecosphere 8(3): e01749. | Link.
6. Lonsinger RC*, EM Gese, RN Knight, TR Johnson, LP Waits. 2016. Quantifying and correcting for scat removal in noninvasive carnivore scat surveys. Wildlife Biology 22(2): 45-54. | Link.
5. Lonsinger RC*, LP Waits. 2015. ConGenR: rapid determination of consensus genotypes and estimates of genotyping errors from replicated genetic samples. Conservation Genetics Resources 7(4): 841–843. | Link.
4. Dempsey SJ, EM Gese*, BM Kluever, RC Lonsinger, LP Waits. 2015. Evaluation of scat deposition transects versus radio telemetry for developing a species distribution model for a rare desert carnivore, the kit fox. Plos One: 10(10): e0138995. | Link.
3. Lonsinger RC*, EM Gese, LP Waits. 2015. Evaluating the reliability of field identification and morphometric classifications for carnivore scats confirmed with genetic analysis. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39(3): 593–602. | Link.
2. Lonsinger RC*, EM Gese, SJ Dempsey, BM Kluever, TR Johnson, LP Waits. 2015. Balancing sample accumulation and DNA degradation rates to optimize noninvasive genetic sampling of sympatric carnivores. Molecular Ecology Resources 15(4): 831–842. | Link.
1. Lonsinger RC, RM Schweizer, JP Pollinger, RK Wayne, GW Roemer*. 2015. Fine-scale genetic structure of the ringtail (Bassariscus astutus) in a sky island mountain range. Journal of Mammalogy 96(2):257–268. | Link.
Theses and Dissertations (‡Mentee)
Please contact me at [email protected] for copies of any theses or dissertations you are unable to access
Please contact me at [email protected] for copies of any theses or dissertations you are unable to access
10. White, KM‡. 2024. The spatial ecology of plains spotted skunks in South Dakota: Insights from species distribution, resource selection, and co-occurrence models. Ph.D. Dissertation, South Dakota State University.
9. Murley, BP‡. 2024. Feral swine space use and effects on ecological communities in the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University.
8. Kleeberg, BA‡. 2024. Landscape associations and population genetics of American black bear in the Oklahoma Panhandle. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University.
8. Snavely, MB‡. 2023. Home ranges, resource selectin, and survival of adult female black bears in mixed-oak habitat types in northcentral Pennsylvania. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University.
7. Fetherston, SC‡. 2021. Population genetic structure of bobcats (Lynx rufus) in South Dakota: using harvested samples to inform management. M.S. Thesis, South Dakota State University.
6. Harsh, S‡. 2021. Pheasant ecology in an agricultural landscape of South Dakota. Ph.D. Dissertation, South Dakota State University.
5. Dart MM‡. 2021. Spatial and temporal patterns of sympatric bobcats (Lynx rufus) and coyotes (Canis latrans) in an agricultural landscape. M.S. Thesis, South Dakota State University.
4. Kauth (Syvertson) HR‡. 2020. Understanding how agricultural intensification impacts ring-necked pheasant distribution and survival in eastern South Dakota. M.S. Thesis, South Dakota State University.
3. White KM‡. 2019. Swift fox space use and temporal activity within a black-footed ferret recovery site in western Kansas. M.S. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
2. Lonsinger RC. 2015 Conservation genetics of kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis) and coyotes (Canis latrans): Using noninvasive genetic sampling to investigate two sympatric carnivores in the Great Basin desert. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Idaho | Link.
1. Lonsinger RC. 2010. Fine-scale genetic structure driven by habitat-dependent selection. M.S. Thesis, New Mexico State University.
Select Technical Reports (*Corresponding author)
Snavely, BM‡, RC Lonsinger*. 2023. The factors affecting female black bear harvest rates in Pennsylvania. Final Report to the Pennsylvania Game Commission: Cooperative Agreement #4000024645. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-150-2023, Washington, D. C.
Waits LP*, RC Lonsinger, SP Woodruff. Monitoring species of concern using noninvasive genetic sampling and capture-recapture methods. Final Report for ESTCP Project RC-201205 to the Unites States Department of Defense. 136pp.
Lonsinger RC*, LP Waits. 2014. Conservation genetics of kit foxes: comparison of historical and contemporary population genetics to evaluate temporal changes in genetic diversity and effective population size. Final report to T&E, Inc. 17pp.
Lonsinger RC*. 2012. Inventory and monitoring of ringtails (Bassariscus astutus) in City of Rocks National Reserve: an area which may represent a significant northerly range expansion. Final Report to the National Park Service. 65pp. | Link.
Lonsinger RC*. 2011. Chytrid Fungus and Ranavirus Surveys within the Bureau of Land Management’s Burley Field Office. Final Report to the Bureau of Land Management. 39pp.
Lonsinger RC*, BA Johnson, DD Gilbert. 2011. Shoshone Field Office Herpetological Surveys, Idaho: Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve. Progress Report to the Bureau of Land Management. 87pp.
Lonsinger RC*, J Barrett, SE Askew, K Oelrich, R Smith. 2011. Columbia Spotted Frog and Boreal Toad Inventory in the Bureau of Land Management Burley Field Office, South-Central Idaho. Final Report to the Bureau of Land Management. 84pp.
Lonsinger RC*, SE Askew. 2010. Reptiles and Amphibians: A Survey of the Bureau of Land Management Shoshone Field Office. Final Report to the Bureau of Land Management. 115pp.
Lonsinger RC*. 2010. Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park: Mammalian Species Monitoring and Inventory. Final report to the New Mexico State Parks Division. 7pp.
Lonsinger RC*, GW Roemer. 2009. Carlsbad Caverns and Guadalupe Mountains National Parks: The development of habitat and corridor suitability models as a test of landscape connectivity within the Chihuahuan Desert Network. Final report to the National Park Service. 15 pp.
Facka AN, RC Lonsinger, GW Roemer*. 2008. Estimates of population size of Gunnison’s prairie dogs in the Aubrey Valley, Arizona based on a new monitoring approach. Final report to the Arizona Game and Fish Department. 26 pp. | Link.
C King, J Broecher, A Siniawski, RC Lonsinger, J Pebworth, WE Van Pelt. 2005. Results of the 2004 Black-footed Ferret Release Effort in Aubrey Valley, Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program Technical Report. 20pp.
Lonsinger RC*, LP Waits. 2014. Conservation genetics of kit foxes: comparison of historical and contemporary population genetics to evaluate temporal changes in genetic diversity and effective population size. Final report to T&E, Inc. 17pp.
Lonsinger RC*. 2012. Inventory and monitoring of ringtails (Bassariscus astutus) in City of Rocks National Reserve: an area which may represent a significant northerly range expansion. Final Report to the National Park Service. 65pp. | Link.
Lonsinger RC*. 2011. Chytrid Fungus and Ranavirus Surveys within the Bureau of Land Management’s Burley Field Office. Final Report to the Bureau of Land Management. 39pp.
Lonsinger RC*, BA Johnson, DD Gilbert. 2011. Shoshone Field Office Herpetological Surveys, Idaho: Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve. Progress Report to the Bureau of Land Management. 87pp.
Lonsinger RC*, J Barrett, SE Askew, K Oelrich, R Smith. 2011. Columbia Spotted Frog and Boreal Toad Inventory in the Bureau of Land Management Burley Field Office, South-Central Idaho. Final Report to the Bureau of Land Management. 84pp.
Lonsinger RC*, SE Askew. 2010. Reptiles and Amphibians: A Survey of the Bureau of Land Management Shoshone Field Office. Final Report to the Bureau of Land Management. 115pp.
Lonsinger RC*. 2010. Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park: Mammalian Species Monitoring and Inventory. Final report to the New Mexico State Parks Division. 7pp.
Lonsinger RC*, GW Roemer. 2009. Carlsbad Caverns and Guadalupe Mountains National Parks: The development of habitat and corridor suitability models as a test of landscape connectivity within the Chihuahuan Desert Network. Final report to the National Park Service. 15 pp.
Facka AN, RC Lonsinger, GW Roemer*. 2008. Estimates of population size of Gunnison’s prairie dogs in the Aubrey Valley, Arizona based on a new monitoring approach. Final report to the Arizona Game and Fish Department. 26 pp. | Link.
C King, J Broecher, A Siniawski, RC Lonsinger, J Pebworth, WE Van Pelt. 2005. Results of the 2004 Black-footed Ferret Release Effort in Aubrey Valley, Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program Technical Report. 20pp.
Popular Press!
Woodruff S, RC Lonsinger, LP Waits. 2014. Getting the scoop from poop. Natural Selections. Department of Defense Natural Resource Program newsletter. | Link.
Lonsinger RC, W Holthuijzen. 2013. Guest voice: Polar bear researcher, UI alumnus visits university. The Argonaut. | Link.
Lonsinger RC. Ringtails: Possible range expansion? National Park Service City of Rocks National Reserve Resource Brief.
Woodruff S, RC Lonsinger, LP Waits. 2014. Getting the scoop from poop. Natural Selections. Department of Defense Natural Resource Program newsletter. | Link.
Lonsinger RC, W Holthuijzen. 2013. Guest voice: Polar bear researcher, UI alumnus visits university. The Argonaut. | Link.
Lonsinger RC. Ringtails: Possible range expansion? National Park Service City of Rocks National Reserve Resource Brief.