Alternative text:
The title of the poster is "Riddle me this: how are the results of co-occurrence models influenced by closure violations?"
The image that follows is a stereogram with a brownish pattern in a vintage gold frame. The word "Independence" is written in a white, open font over the stereogram pattern. Stereograms combine a pair of 2D images to present a 3D image to the viewers. In this case, the 3D image includes a statement and two silhouettes. The statement reads "Avoidance and Aggregation tend to be obscured". The two silhouettes, on either side of the statement represent a coyote howling and a fox walking. With respect to the "riddle", the solution is that even when the true pattern of co-occurrence between two species is avoidance or aggregation, closure violations may lead to erroneous support for a pattern that looks like independence.
The image that follows is a stereogram with a brownish pattern in a vintage gold frame. The word "Independence" is written in a white, open font over the stereogram pattern. Stereograms combine a pair of 2D images to present a 3D image to the viewers. In this case, the 3D image includes a statement and two silhouettes. The statement reads "Avoidance and Aggregation tend to be obscured". The two silhouettes, on either side of the statement represent a coyote howling and a fox walking. With respect to the "riddle", the solution is that even when the true pattern of co-occurrence between two species is avoidance or aggregation, closure violations may lead to erroneous support for a pattern that looks like independence.